ESS - Employee Self Service is an web enabled tool used to update their own datas by the employee itself.
MSS- Manager Self Service is an web enabled tool used for Managers to take report or update the datas of subordinate.
This will give you a comprehensive idea:
To implement LEAVE REQUEST &APPROVAKL, both ESS and MSS are not mandatory. But ESS is required.However this functionality is developed to be avaialable in MSS also if a client wants have both ESS and MSS. Without MSS, the business flow of Leave request would be in ESS is like this:
1. An employee wants to take two weeks of leave. He or she accesses the Leave Request Web application. He or she sees in the Team Calendar that other team members also have leave at the same time. Nonetheless, he or she requests leave for the planned period.
2. The leave requires approval. The system automatically determines the approver responsible and lists the name in the Web application. If required, the employee can overwrite the name of the approver.
1. The employee's request is stored in the database of leave requestswith the status Sent.
2. Once a day, the RPTARQEMAIL report (Leave Requests: Send E-Mails) is run in the background. The system sends an e-mail to the appropriate approver for the requests with status Sent that require approval. The e-mail notifies the approver of the steps required.
3. The approver accesses the Approve Leave Requests Web application from the Universal Work list.. The application provides the approver with a list of all the leave requests that require his or her approval.
4. The approver selects the employee's leave request. After checking the Team Calendar, the approver realizes that the employee's leave request cannot be approved since it would mean there would not be enough team members at work for the period in question.
5. The approver writes a note in which he or she states why the request has been rejected. He or she then rejects the request.
6. The RPTARQEMAIL report sends an e-mail to the employee notifying him or her that the request was rejected. The employee accesses the Leave Request Web application. He or she selects the request in the Absence Overview. He or she sees in the note the reason why the request was rejected.
7. The employee looks at the Team Calendar and finds a period in which no other team members are on vacation. He or she changes the period of the request. The employee specifies the change in period in the note.
8. The RPTARQEMAIL notifies the approver of the request by e-mail. This time the approver can approve the request.
9. The request receives the status Approved in the database. The RPTARQEMAIL report sends an e-mail to the employee notifying him or her that the request was approved.
10. The system processes the requests further according to their status:
11. The RPTARQPOST report (Leave Requests: Post) writes all requests in the database that have the status Approved to the Absences (2001) or Attendances (2002) infotype.
12. The system may not be able to post the requests to the infotypes if, for example, they collide with other infotype records. These requests are given the status With Errors.
13. The RPTARQEMAIL report sends an e-mail to the relevant time administrator to notify him or her that the requests were unable to be posted.
14. The time administrator accesses the RPTARQERR report (Leave Request: Process Posting Errors). It lists the requests with errors.
15. The time administrator analyzes the error situation in the backend system.
16. If he or she can solve the cause of the problem and save the data record in the infotype, he or she uses the RPTARQERR report to set the request to Posted.
17. If the problem cannot be solved, because the employee has other commitments at the time, for example, the time administrator rejects the request.
18. The RPTARQEMAIL report sends an e-mail to the employee notifying him or her of the change in status of the request (in ESS)
MSS: it is a web based application designed for the people who carry out management tasks. Here is the brief description.
This Manager Self Service is designed for all employees who perform management tasks at an operational level, for example:
i. Line managers
ii. Team leaders with project management tasks
iii. Department heads
In particular, the business package supports managers perform the following:
1 Tasks related to the personnel responsibility for their team
- Controlling tasks within their budgeting responsibilities
- Planning tasks
- Project management tasks
* Budget* -- Supports managers in fulfilling their cost and budget responsibilities, including annual budget planning, budget monitoring, cost analysis, and correction of postings. Managers can check critical variances, monitor travel expenses, and track budget consumption on projects.
*Staffing* -- Supports managers in their HR-related administrative and planning tasks. The application supports HR processes relevant to a manager's particular tasks -- from recruitment to the annual employee review and compensation planning. It allows a manager to display attendance information, as well as to change data for employees who have no access to PCs. SAP Manager Self-Service supports flexible reporting on data from different data sources, and a quota planning function enables managers to plan future staffing quotas.
In the latest release there some additional functionalities (iViews) are added.
ESS: Allows employees to create, display, and change their own data in the company's intranet. In Personnel Administration, for example, employees can use the Personal Data service to create and edit their own personal data. In this way, employees can keep their own data up-to-date, while simultaneously reducing the number of time-consuming and expensive activities performed by the Human Resources Department.
Employee Self-Service of mySAP ERP enables employees to create, display, and change their own HR-related data in the Enterprise Portal. It covers data from various business areas:
- Working Time
- Career and Job
- Employee Search
- Personal Data
- Benefits and Payment
- Travel Management
- Corporate Information
- Life and Work Events
- Training related details
- Qualifications
- Appraisals
- Participation in the Appraisal process* etc
Talha Saud